ユダヤ人と言語 Jews and Languages

みんな何かでマイノリティ。鴨志田聡子のブログです。All of us are minorities. By Satoko Kamoshida


We welcomed Mr. Travis Seifman, Japanese speaking Ryukyu expert from U.S., to our Yiddish class! トラビス・サイフマンさん

We welcomed Travis Seifman, the expert in Ryukyu, as a guest in our Yiddish class in the University of Tokyo! And he made a very interesting great lecture about his family in excellent Japnese (!)!!! We learned a lot of things, which we ca…


東大の五月祭(2017年5月20−21日)で、言語学研究室主催の言語学喫茶で、多言語、多文字の消しゴムスタンプをやります。イディッシュも出ます。 May 20th - 21st, we are going to introduce Eraser Stamps in Various Languages! It is at Linguistics Cafe…