ユダヤ人と言語 Jews and Languages

みんな何かでマイノリティ。鴨志田聡子のブログです。All of us are minorities. By Satoko Kamoshida


Kakehashi 2-8

We had a lunch at a very famous Jewish restaurant in LA. The restauran is placed in the area where Jewish people were living (They left there). Today, I saw a lot of Hispanic there today. What the owner who is the son of the founder of the…

Kakehashi 2-7

We met ten of Access members (AJC youth) and had a mexican dinner. It was very nice time to share our interests towards Jewish Studies and their interests towards Japan. To be interested in each other is a great thing. Though we met for th…

Kakehashi 2-6

Hebrew Union College, Wilshire Boulevard Temple and Pico Union Project We learned about Tolerance to other people there. They are trying to make the world better from their neighbourhood. At Wilshire Boulevard Temple, the Rabbi Susan Nanus…

Kakehashi 2-5

We visited Temple Israel of Hollywood and Rabbi John Rosove was very nice to us. We spent time together and had interractive conversations in very relaxed mood. https://www.tioh.org ハリウッドのシナゴーグに行き、ラビからお話を伺いました。J…