ユダヤ人と言語 Jews and Languages

みんな何かでマイノリティ。鴨志田聡子のブログです。All of us are minorities. By Satoko Kamoshida

YiddishPOP in Tokyo


YiddishPOP at TUFS. I am teaching Yiddish at a few places in Tokyo and TUFS is one of them. TUFS is one of the best universities for foregin studies in Japan. During the semester we used YiddishPOP and it worked very good. Students really loved it.

The Students play with games in YiddishPOP. It was a challenge for me to use it in Japan. But we could do it!! Next class is our final class in this year. Very sad... I really want to make Yiddish annual full year course.
(געלט איז אַ פּראָבלעם זאָגט מע... ייִדיש איז נישט שטאַנדיק אין יאַפּאַן אויך.)

I really appreciate Brukhe! She told me how to use it! And thank you very much, team YiddishPOP!!! Please develop it vayter...




After learning lessons some of the students try to answer some quizes in YiddishPOP.

The other students give him and her advices.