ユダヤ人と言語 Jews and Languages

みんな何かでマイノリティ。鴨志田聡子のブログです。All of us are minorities. By Satoko Kamoshida


Radio Jai 96.3, Buenos Aires

March 31 10:00AM (Buenos Aires), please turn on a radio. Radio Jai My talk is in Youtube: by-clips.com 3月31日10:00am(ブエノスアイレス現地時間)にアルゼンチンのRadio Jai 96.3という局で話しました。時差はちょうど12時間なんですね。今回はWhatsA…


今回、アメリカに行っていろいろなシナゴーグに行きラビの話を聞いてそこに集まっている人を見たり、その人たちと話したりしました。シナゴーグに行けばその地域のユダヤ人の状況がある程度わかると思いました。神社とかお寺とかもそうなんでしょうか。 シナ…



Bosaizukin cover

Do you know, in Japan, if children go to school or kindergarten, mothers (father could but usually, mothers take more responsibilities. I hope it will be changed in the future) have to prepare for the children's new lives. This year, I sew…


In Tokyo, the cherry blossoms came out early in this Spring. 散歩したら桜がきれいで超ラッキーでした。 赤い道のおまけ

Leaving the beautiful Hongo campus

I’m leaving the Hongo campus of the University of Tokyo (Linguistics Department, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology and Faculty of Letters). HOME - Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters, University of To…

Kakehashi 2-15

I left San Francisco. I really appreciate AJC, YFU and Foreign Ministry of Japan. During the Jewish Kakehashi delegation 2019, I visited the following places and met so many nice people (in one week!!!):Los Angeles AJC Skirball Museum Temp…

Kakehashi 2-14

For Shabes we visited Oshman Family JCC. Very nice atmosphere for a shabes, Shabbat, weekend. We walked around the campus with Rabbi Serena Eizenberg and a Japanese woman who is living there. Then we attended to Sabbat morning service and …

Kakehashi 2-13

We visited the Farm. Peaceful atmosphere, tranquility, fun, fresh vegetables, place for kids, clean air... everything I need!!!! I loved them very much! 「ファーム」アーバンアダマ(都市農場)に行ってきました。 Home | Urban Adamah 野菜や花…

Kakehashi 2-12

I had a nice conversation in Yiddish, I felt great. I don’t know why but talking Yiddish with nice people is always very good for my soul. I believe it will happen to me with Ladino in the future! Love them! Rabbi Cooper introduced me Rabb…

Kakehashi 2-11

We celebrated Purim 2019 together with people at the Peninsula Sinai Congregation and I met my friend from Yiddish by accident!!!! And I found she was the person to read Megillah. Then her reading was great, incredible. Since we have mostl…

Kakehashi 2-10

We visited the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles and made presentations. ロサンゼルスの総領事館でプレゼンをしました。現地のユダヤ人コミュニティの人たちと交流しました。温かい雰囲気で迎えていただいて本当に嬉しかったです。日本のユダヤ…

Kakehashi 2-9b

We visited Rabbi Cooper at Simon Wiesenthal Center. Rabbi Cooper described us many things about the relationships between Jewish people and Japan.

Kakehashi 2-9a

On the day, a professor from AJC leaded us to show the UCLA campus. We could visit another professor and her students at UCLA. Actually, I met them there three weeks ago. I asked to establish a short course (maybe for one week? Please!!) f…

Kakehashi 2-9

今回の訪問がThe Times of Israelメディアに掲載されました。 記事を書いてくださったのは、ハリウッドのシナゴーグのラビです。 私のことを若くてイディッシュも流暢と書いてくださいました。このとしになると若いって言われると気分も上がります。最近私が…

Kakehashi 2-8

We had a lunch at a very famous Jewish restaurant in LA. The restauran is placed in the area where Jewish people were living (They left there). Today, I saw a lot of Hispanic there today. What the owner who is the son of the founder of the…

Kakehashi 2-7

We met ten of Access members (AJC youth) and had a mexican dinner. It was very nice time to share our interests towards Jewish Studies and their interests towards Japan. To be interested in each other is a great thing. Though we met for th…

Kakehashi 2-6

Hebrew Union College, Wilshire Boulevard Temple and Pico Union Project We learned about Tolerance to other people there. They are trying to make the world better from their neighbourhood. At Wilshire Boulevard Temple, the Rabbi Susan Nanus…

Kakehashi 2-5

We visited Temple Israel of Hollywood and Rabbi John Rosove was very nice to us. We spent time together and had interractive conversations in very relaxed mood. https://www.tioh.org ハリウッドのシナゴーグに行き、ラビからお話を伺いました。J…

Kakehashi 2-4

Our only free time in Santa Monica. After taking a photo, we had one hour free time. Walking around a little bit, I felt a weekend atmosphere. If I could live here and make some researches about Jewish communities, that would be great!! Af…

Kakehashi 2-3

We visited a Jewish museum in LA: Skirball Cultural Center | Home ロサンゼルスにあるスカーバルミュージアムという名のユダヤ博物館を見学しました。 世界のいろんな地域のユダヤについてちょっとづつ展示してあります。ベルリンの大きいシナゴーグの九…

Kakehashi 2-2

We arrived in LA and met the other scholars from Kyoto. She was wearing green for St. Patrick’s Day (March 17). We celebrate in in Tokyo, and maybe in other cities in Japan also. ロスに着きました。京都からの研究者と現地リーダーのバーブさん…

Kakehashi 2-1

We are departing from Narita to LA for Kakehashi Project of Ministory of Foreign Affaires of Japan. During a week, we visit several Jewish communities in LA and San Francisco. 今日から外務省の派遣でアメリカの西海岸に行ってきます。去年のユ…


都内の保育園で年長さん向けにトルコのお話をしました。 地図や、以前トルコのユダヤ人に会いにいった時の写真を見せながら、自分の専門にもからめながら話しました。 アジアのはしっこに位置するトルコと日本は離れているけれど、いろいろなつながりがあっ…