ユダヤ人と言語 Jews and Languages

みんな何かでマイノリティ。鴨志田聡子のブログです。All of us are minorities. By Satoko Kamoshida

Bosaizukin cover

Do you know, in Japan, if children go to school or kindergarten, mothers (father could but usually, mothers take more responsibilities. I hope it will be changed in the future) have to prepare for the children's new lives.
This year, I sew specific bags, place mats, wiping clothes and Bosaizukin cover, a cover for Bosaizukin, the biggest one with Doraemon on the photo.


It is kinds of helmet but soft, flat, light and simple. At schools, students keep Bosaizukin with them for just in case. They put on their head if earthquake or fire happen against something falling down and attack them, fire whatever. If it is covered, it takes more times to put it one's head because he has to open it.

Honestly saying, I am against covering Bosaizukin. it is because, as a person who was born in Shizuoka prefecture, people concern more about earthquakes etc., never covered Bosaizukin cover with a special bag which make difficult to pull it out, I haven't understood why they need covers. But I hesitated to tell so to the school teachers and made a cover.....
Actually, for me, Bosaizukin cover was more complicated to make than the other things (maybe that's the reason why I didn't want).

If you don't want to make it by yourself, don't worry. You can buy them or order them to some specific shops or friends.

Anyway, I have done... and school year in Japan starts from April.

And here is Shizuoka and Mt. Fuji, the highest mountain in Japan in Shizuoka & Yamanashi: