ユダヤ人と言語 Jews and Languages

みんな何かでマイノリティ。鴨志田聡子のブログです。All of us are minorities. By Satoko Kamoshida

イディッシュ語 翻訳 After a small talk about Togbukh fun Vilner geto


I talked about “Togbukh fun Vilner geto” and a bit of “Rywka’s Diary,” at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Zoom).
In the lecture, I asked some students (high school to graduate course) to read Rudashevski’s Diary in my Japanese translation. Their voices were so powerful.
This event that these students read the Yiddish diary in Japanese and discuss about it things inspired me a lot.
In the lecture, I found a student who participated in Poland. That’s something great about online gatherings.
My activities could not happen without people’ help and interests. Thank you :)


【1/25~2/18】ガリツィア・ユダヤ博物館 写真パネル展・オープンレクチャー・映画上映会 | 公共圏における歴史(HIPS)