ユダヤ人と言語 Jews and Languages

みんな何かでマイノリティ。鴨志田聡子のブログです。All of us are minorities. By Satoko Kamoshida





カバラー、すなわち12世紀の最後の四半世紀以降に急速な発展を見せたユダヤ教神秘主義的秘教伝統は、それ以降のユダヤ教の精神史の展開を決定づけたと言っても過言ではありません。また、ルネサンス思想並びにライプニッツシェリングへの影響も含め、西欧思想に与えた少なからぬインパクトについても、徐々に正当な評価がなされつつあります。日本では、主としてゲルショム・ショーレムの著作の翻訳を通じて、カバラーについての概説的な紹介がなされてきましたが、研究の最前線において集中的な関心の的となっている文献学的・歴史的問題については未だ十分な理解がされているとは言えない現状にあります。 本講義では、14世紀初頭までに完成された古典カバラーの要点を、最新の研究成果を踏まえながら、エルサレムヘブライ大学のアヴィシャイ・バル=アシェル博士に 紹介してもらいます。


第一回 2月7日(日) 

第二回 2月14日(日) 

第三回 2月21日(日)







The workshop "Kabbalah – Medieval Jewish Mysticism and Esotericism" aims to introduce non-specialists to the field of Jewish literature known as Kabbalah, as it developed in diverse forms from the middle ages on. We shall deal with major types of this mystical and esoteric lore, concentrating on its essential notions and central topics.

The workshop consists of three consecutive meetings. In the first meeting the basic terminology related to Kabbalah will systematically be presented, while a general survey will be made of the historical background for the emergence of Kabbalah. In the second meeting we will discuss some of the main aspects of the theosophical speculations known as the sefirot system, i.e. its theology, symbolism, practical implications etc. The third meeting will further treat such issues as the doctrine of the soul, metempsychosis, unio mystica, eschatology and messianism.

This series will take the form of the combination of lecture and seminar. We will also read together some textual examples in English translation (written originally in Hebrew and Aramaic). In short, the present workshop will enable participants to get familiar with the world of Kabbalah and to take a short tour to Jewish thought on secrecy and concealment.

Dr. Avishai Bar-Asher, Lecturer at the Department of Jewish Thought, the Faculty of Humanities, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Avishai’s research interests include, among others, reception theory, textual study and intellectual history in the field of Jewish mysticism and esotericism in the Middle Ages. His first book, the critical edition of Moses de León's Sefer Mishkan ha-Edut, is a philological and historical study on one of the writings composed by the important Castilian kabbalist, who could arguably be considered as the central figure responsible for the composition and early diffusion of the main part of Sefer ha-Zohar. His recent book Journeys of the Soul Concepts and Imageries of Paradise in Medieval Kabbalah covers the most decisive period in the history of Jewish imagination on the Garden of Eden and offers a comprehensive analysis of paradigms, traditions, texts, and polemics therein. Avishai also serves as the head of the Program in Jewish Studies.